Conor Harrington
Conor Harrington (born 1980) is an Irish-born street/graffiti artist based in London.While the military figures in Conor Harrington’s powerful street paintings refer to the masculinity of urban culture, they can also be interpreted as self-portraits of the stoic, pensive persona of the contemporary painter. Harrington’s loose brushwork, seemingly unfinished imagery, dripping paint, and graffiti flourishes provide an antidote to his sometimes sentimental evocations of duty and honor.
Conor Harrington

Conor Harrington-Battle 2

Conor Harrington- Fight Club

Conor Harrington- Transformer

Conor Harrington- Grab Your Guise

Conor Harrington- Hot Air, I Do Declare

Conor Harrington - A Study for Meditations of a Royal Ringmaster

Conor Harrington - Study for the Blind Exit (Hand-Finished)

Conor Harrington- Hide and Seek Study

Conor Harrington- Blind Exit

Conor Harrington- The Unveiling

Conor Harrington, Monday Morning Glory

Conor Harrington- Samson's Nostalgia Trap

Conor Harrington - Trouble With Trolls

Conor Harrington - The Carnival Goes on

Conor Harrington- A Worm in The Suburban Bud

Conor Harrington- Trapped By Language

Conor Harrington- Weekend Warriors

Conor Harrington- Tales of Blood and Slaughter